Workshop 2005

Workshop 2005 was a great opportunity for Salmon Enhancement and Streamkeepers Volunteers from around the province of British Columbia to meet, take some great workshops, share ideas and concerns with each other. Congratulations to the organizing committee and all the volunteers for putting on a wonderful event. If you wish to share stroies pr photos about the weekend, please send them in to us.

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Workshop Synopsis
Acoustical Tagging and Tracking - David Welch

Techniques on implanting and tracking. Current plans for monitoring Pacific Offshore Shelf Tracking Project (POST) and results of recovered data.

Fish Health - Dorothee Keiser

Learn how to recognize problems (parasites etc). Bring photos of your problems to discuss treatment and suggestions.

Aquatic Invertebrates - ZoAnn Morten
or 56kbs modem

Hands-on collection techniques for invertebrate sampling, sorting and identification.

Fish Culture 101 - Tenderfoot Hatchery Staff

A serious session with cutting edge, up-to-date information on fish culture techniques. Please bring questions!

“Backbone” - Peter Donaldson

A dynamic dialogue/discussion on the sustainable nature of our personal and organizational activities.

Habitat Modeling - Barry Chillibeck

Traditional tool to investigate flow and habitat relationships; new methods that look at the design of restored streams and rivers that include limitations and pitfalls of modeling.

Beaver Management - Sandie MacLaurin/Barry Peters/ Mitch Drewes

Panel discussion detailing biology, protection of the animals and their habitat; challenges that beaver activity cause; structures/devices used to control dams, and overall watershed management.

Habitat Restoration - Matt Foy

Restoration activities in the Chilliwack, Squamish systems, their successes and difficulties.

Bowie Seamount 2003 Slide Show - Doug Swanston

Blue water diving, volcanic rock formations, giant barnacles and more from Queen Charlotte Islands.

Invasive Weed Species - Ian Maxwell

The social and economic implications of the changes in northern Lakelse Lake due to aquatic infestations.

Care and Nurturing of Volunteers - Joe Kambeitz

Keeping your project alive! Ideas, tips and creative solutions.

Lil'wat Nation Fisheries Program - Liz Jones

An innovative approach; annual stock assessment program; development and delivery of numerous restoration projects.

Coal Bed Methane Effects on Streams - Susan Rutherford/Casey Brennan

An industry with a growing presence in the province; discussion of its potential impacts on streams and fish and related regulatory concerns.

Migration of Pacific Salmon - Dr. Kees Groot

Orientation studies show a number of mechanisms animals use; cues such as magnetic fields, sun, stars, and odour.

Culvert Replacement - Steve Jenkins

Techniques for daylighting streams and fish friendly culverts.

Mobilizing for Climate Change - Jack Minard/Trevor Wick

Methods to deal with summer drought; evapo-transpiration cycles and the need for water retention systems.

Data Collection - Dr. Kim Hyatt

How to participate effectively and defensively in monitoring salmon stock status and trends; linking DFO scientific needs for data with the Streamkeepers methodology.

Municipal Politics and Stewardship Initiatives - Panel

Discussion on streamside protection, watershed management and sustainability practices.

DFO Enforcement Policies - DFO Fisheries Officers

Roles and responsibilities of the Fisheries Act, 'River Watch' and what the volunteer community needs to know.

Ocean Ranching - Thor Peterson

A wild approach to fi sh production that is more ecologically benign; a success in Alaska, struggling for acceptance in BC

Eelgrass and Seagrass Ecology - Nikki Wright/Cynthia Durance

The latest research on eelgrass mapping monitoring and techniques in Georgia Basin.

Organizing an Effective Group - Jeff Anderson

Advice on getting charitable status, donations, receipts. Keep your group organized, rotated and energized - from field tested, proven successes.

Environmental Monitoring - Dave Clough

How to assess an environmental risk/impact, then collect relevant information (photos, samples) and make reports that count.

Plant Identification Made Simple - Sue Hemphill

Learning how to identify plants and their various parts. Learn the amazing ways plants protect themselves and interact between other plants and animals.

Farmland Protection and Habitat Conservation - Guy Patterson/Dave Tattam/Lisa Helmer

Role of Agricultural Land Reserve as a tool for stewardship initiatives; innovative model to assist farmers; showcase of breakthroughs in the Pemberton Valley and the role of stewardship in the agricultural community.

Proactive Development Approaches - Panel
Thomas W. Holz, Chris Johnson

Discussion on development procedures that minimally impact on the environment and are socially responsible.

Riparian Assessment Regulations - Panel

Short presentations include background, delivery and benefits as well as comments on RAR weaknesses.

Project Rivershed - Fin Donnelly

How to take grassroot volunteers into a successful organization; latest stewardship sustainability initiatives in the Fraser River basin.

Role of Communities in Adaptive Management - Jason Quigley

How community groups can collect information that help stewardship and habitat management practices.

Spray Incubation - Brian Ashton/Tod Jones

Innovative technology that provides best possible egg survival; strategies and techniques; equipment demonstration.

Role of Stewardship - Pamela Zevit

A case study that explores what worked, what hasn’t and why.

Steelhead Recovery Planning - Greg Wilson

Overview on steelhead, significance and difference from Rainbow trout; discussion on existing projects in Squamish Watershed, plus their implications for the Georgia Basin Recovery Plan.

Salmon Egg to Fry Development - John Jensen

Description of embryo development beginning with spawning and ending with fry emergence or ponding time.

Stock Assessment - Tracy Cone

An overview of DFO partnerships in stock assessment data collection, available tools and support. Data was collected from a number of sources and the implications of the fi ndings will be discussed.

Salmon Carcass Placement/Nutrient Benefits - Carol Cross/Erland McIssac/Ken Ashley

DFO guidelines that increase the overall benefit of carcass placement. How organic matter maintains the productivity of salmon spawning streams and lakes. Protocols for the addition of nutrients to stream ecosystems.

Stream of Dreams - Joan Carne/Louise Towell

How can environmental educators, particularly stream stewards, get invited into schools PAC meetings and even corporate boardrooms? How to combine watershed science, stories, painting and public displays.

Sampling Procedures - Brenda Donas

How to take sterile organ samples, process, package and send to the lab. Includes summary of results from Upper Skeena Baseline Fish Health Monitoring Program.

Telling Your Community Water Story - Bob Turner

Explore community water issues and engage in the question “Where does your water come from and where does your wastewater go?”

Saving the World: Re-establishing Salmon Populations in Urban Streams - Tom Rutherford

Working in watersheds that are home to lots of people leads directly to a greater awareness of our place in the ecosystem and how our actions affect the world around us.

Toxic Smart - Christianne Wilhelmson

History, successes and current programs of Georgia Straight Alliance with focus on programs that use and could use more volunteers: ToxicSmart, Straitkeepers, and Best Practices.

Small Production Broodstock Collection/Spawning Practices at Hatcheries - Brian Riddell/Carol Cross

Guidelines for managing the special challenge of spawning protocol in your small project. An overview of DFO guidelines that minimize the potential for loss of genetic variation.

Traditional Uses of Plants - Sarah Orlowski

Importance of maintaining indigenous plants in our communities. Healing properties and methods of growing and harvesting herbal medicine. Classroom and field trip.

Spawning of Pacific Salmon - Dr. Kees Groot

Movies and diagrams of spawning in relationship to habitat including interactions between males and females during courtship.

Watershed Planning - Jim VanTine

From the success of the Campbell R., how it was done, how to do it; beyond the politically correct concepts.

Squamish Nation Watershed Plans - Randall Lewis

Development, implementation and implications for the watershed. Discussion of their restoration and fish enumeration activities.

Web Site Design - Pat Morten

A holistic approach from concept to upload with an emphasis on colour/contrast and optimizing images using sensible layout

Seasonal behaviour, biology and population ecology. Includes artifacts and interpretation.

Saturday Afternoon Tours/Evening Movie
Bowen Island Retreat

Bowen has great hiking, sea kayaking, beachcombing, and picnicking. Numerous fine B&Bs, restaurants and artisan shops located near Snug Cove Ferry terminal. Enjoy a relaxing retreat following the Workshop! Note interest on Registration Form.

Tenderfoot Hatchery

Site tour with staff; an overview of operations.

Upper Squamish Valley - Shovelnose Creek - Greg Wilson

Opportunity to explore some steelhead and salmon restoration sites.

North Vancouver Outdoor School Walking Tour

Walk the interpretive trails, learn the geological history of the area and salmon restoration sites.

Evening Film: “River World” - Mark Angelo

Come take a visually stunning journey to the world’s wildest and most remote rivers.

This page courtesy of
The Pacific Streamkeepers Federation
March 16, 2005